GOV.‌UK Design System element usage survey

Thanks for helping us learn how the Design System is used   

Thank you for filling in this survey, it will help us learn how and where the Design System is used. 

Knowing which components and patterns are used in services means we can
  • find out which elements are most common
  • point to existing implementations for new designers and developers
  • prioritise which elements should be iterated or updated, and 
  • update services whenever our guidance for specific components and patterns changes.
It'll feed in to our performance framework for the Design System, which we use to identify and make improvements for our users.
Data privacy and consent 

Read the GOV.‌UK Design System privacy notice carefully before completing this form, and continue if you are happy to provide this information which helps us improve our service. 

If you have any questions or you would like to receive this information in an alternative format you can get in touch with

How we will store your data
This consent form and anything you tell us is securely stored on SmartSurvey. These are accessed only by GOV.‌UK Design System team members at Government Digital Service.

Information you allow us to have is stored for up to 2 years. After this time your personal information will be deleted.

How we will use your data
We may share the anonymised results of this survey with our community and other users of the GOV.‌UK Design System. None of the data we share with these groups will link back to you, and we will only ask for permission to link back to a service. For example, to show other people in the community which services are using specific components.

If you provide business contact details, we'll use these to gather feedback to improve our services and to withdraw data at your request.

Your rights
If you would like to withdraw your data please get in touch with the GOV.‌UK Design System using the contact details at the end of this page. 

Further information
If you have any other questions after your research session please contact
Or by post at Government Digital Service, The White Chapel Building,
10 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 8QS.